Popular Science Article

World of Plants

Plants make at least as important a part of life on this planet as the animals our survival is linked with the huge biodiversity of plants. The study of plants is vital because they are a fundamental part of life on Earth. Besides understanding the fundamental life processes of plants, we should know how the plants help us in producing food, medicine and other important materials for our uses. Let us explore the world of plants and their importance.

Jatropha curcas : Bio-diesel Tree

Jatropha curcas synonym Curcas purgans commonly called as ‘Physic nut’, 'Purging nut' and 'Barbados nut' is a tropical soft wooded, small deciduous tree native to Central America, wherefrom it was introduced to continents of Asia and Africa by Portuguese seafarers.

Pongamia pinnata : Indian Bio-diesel Tree

Pongamia pinnata known as Pongam tree is a fast growing, very variable, medium sized, glabrous, evergreen tree species, native to Western Ghats, however the tree species shed its leaves in dry season while growing in a tropical dry environment.

Periwinkle : An ornamental plant of medicinal value

Periwinkle is an exotic plant species generally grown as ornamental plant either in soil or flower pots in residential and official compounds. It is native of South-eastern and eastern Madagascar found growing as wild plant species in rain forest.

Parthenium hysterophorus – An Invasive Alien Flora

The terrible alien weeds like Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara and Eichhornia crassipes have several beneficial attributes which need to be profitably utilized on larger scale for the benefits of human society

Congress Grass : An Exotic Weed

Congress grass is a versatile, annual herb belonging to Asteraceae family of flowering plants. It is also known as ‘carrot weed' because of its highly lobed leaves resembling very much to that of carrot plants.

Lantana camara – A Weed having Medicinal Values

Lantana camara is an invasive alien flora in the country. Invasive alien species are non-native organisms that cause, or have the potential to cause, harm to the environment, economics or human health.

Ashoka – A Versatile and Valuable Tree

Ashoka is a small to medium sized evergreen tree species growing to a maximum height of 9 meters. Its handsome evergreen drooping foliage and branches spreading in all direction assumes a shapely crown.

Arjuna- An Invaluable Medicinal Plant

Arjuna is native of Indian sub-continent distributed throughout semi-arid, sub-humid and humid tropical South Asia from Pakistan to Malaysia. It occurs in valleys and plains up to 1200 m. elevation.

Rauvolfia serpentina

Rauvolfia serpentina has been a medicinal plant of significant importance whose root drug has gone on to become, therapeutically applied worldwide.

Pigeon pea Genome Sequence

Cell is the structural and functional unit of life and the gene is the essential element for the very existence of any organism whether it is plant or animal.

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