About Us

Who we are ? 

We are a group of people who have convinced ourselves on the basis of available research that the development level and prosperity of a nation is in tune with the number of scientists and science research institutions in the country. We have also noticed that the number of students studying science in schools and higher education centres is falling over the years. This is a matter of concern for all rationally thinking people. We are also convinced that science is so intimate a part of our lives that nobody can remain aloof from the forces of nature and hence interest in science is naturally inherent in all of us. What we lack is the facilities and environment to create and nurture this interest. It is with the intention that we dedicate this science portal, World of Science, to every person on this planet and invite all like minded people to join hands is this endeavour. Our goal is to provide the best science resources for teachers, parents, hobbyists, and life-long learners.

Our mission is to create scientifically empowered society. 

What Are Our Objectives?  

The basic objectives of the World of Science are:

  • To popularize science concepts and their applications in life.

  • To provide a usable resource to update knowledge about science and technology.

  • To promote scientific thinking and scientific attitude.

  • To create concerns about global problems and suggest scientific methods to solve them.

  • To help people assess their level of scientific knowledge and systematically enhance it.

  • to become a one-stop destination for anyone seeking information on science and science education.

What we Do? 

World of Science is a science portal specifically designed to popularize science and technology among the people particularly the children. It aims at quenching the thirst of knowing more and new things related to science and its uses in our daily life.

 World of Science brings high quality learning material on science and technology. The World of Science web pages include links to useful sites, learning resources, science activities, and science projects. Through this portal, we demonstrate our commitment to meeting the needs of home, educational, and professional users of scientific resource sites and software. It is also a mean to connect students and professionals across the world.

‘World of Science’ Team 

The World of Science team includes science communicators, educators, scientists, subject matter experts, IT experts and technical advisors who work collaboratively to bring you the best science resources. What unites the team is a commitment to invest every byte of time in creating a synergy of real-life experience and concepts of science and technology for creating a scientifically empowered society .

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 Vigyan Apke Liye  

Vigyan Aapke Liye (Science For You)  is a popular science magzine in Hindi. It is aimed at cultivating science temprament and attitude among the people particularly the children.

Know Why, How and What?

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Learning Through Testing

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Science for Curious Mind

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Do You Know
The only letter not appearing on the Periodic Table is the letter “J”.

the Day
The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence. Science is simply common sense at its best - that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.
Thomas Huxley
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