Green Idea 

In order to make our planet-earth clean, green and pollution free, we want to spread the eco-friendly ideas and activities among the people. If you have any eco-friendly idea that you would like to share with others across the globe, please write it in the space given below.

Your Green Ideas

Green Idea   :   Yfubuffd7fy

Posted On : 14-10-2018 10:53:06   Posted By :Chaleicake
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 All of us  are concerned with the degrading state of the environment. Because of our unwise and greedy activities, the natural resources are getting depleted and polluted. It is now necessary to make people aware of the adverse consequences of such acts.

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 Vigyan Apke Liye  

Vigyan Aapke Liye (Science For You)  is a popular science magzine in Hindi. It is aimed at cultivating science temprament and attitude among the people particularly the children.

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Do You Know
The speed of light is 186282 miles per second. (229, 792 kilometer per second).

the Day
The effort to reconcile science and religion is almost always made, not by theologians, but by scientists unable to shake off altogether the piety absorbed with their mother's milk.
H.L. Mencken
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