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Popular Science Books

Books and other print media have always been useful for learning. A number of science books are published daily, but many a times we may not be aware of the good books particularly the popular science books. Here you may find the list of such popular science books with a brief review of the book which may help you in identifying the book of your interest. Effort is made to regularly update the list of popular science books given here.

वैदिक गणित

वैदिक गणित पर लिखित इस चमत्कारी एवं क्रांतिकारी ग्रंथ में एक नितान्त नवीन दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत किया गया है। इसमें संख्याओं एवं राशियों के विषय में जिस सत्य का प्रतिपादन हुआ है वह सभी विज्ञान तथा कला-विषयों में समान रूप से लागू होता है।

BEYOND THE MOON A Conversational, Common Sense Guide to Understanding the Tides

BEYOND THE MOON is a comprehensive, easily readable explanation of the tides on earth that is both simple enough for students and solid enough for their professors.


This book series describes the road to scientific success, as experienced and described by prominent researchers. The focus on research process (rather than research findings) and on personal experience is intended to encourage the readers, who will be inspired to be dedicated and effective researchers

NEW TRENDS IN GEOMETRY Their Role in the Natural and Life Sciences

NEW TRENDS IN GEOMETRY focuses on the interactions between mathematics, physics, biology and neuroscience by exploring new geometrical and topological modelling in these fields.

THE FUNDAMENTALS OF IMAGING - From Particles to Galaxies

It is through images that we understand the form and function of material objects, from the fundamental particles that are the constituents of matter to galaxies that are the constituents of the Universe.

SLOW LIGHT - Invisibility, Teleportation, and Other Mysteries of Light

Slow Light is a popular treatment of today's astonishing breakthroughs in the science of light. Even though we don't understand light's quantum mysteries, we can slow it to a stop and speed it up beyond its Einsteinian speed limit

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 Vigyan Apke Liye  

Vigyan Aapke Liye (Science For You)  is a popular science magzine in Hindi. It is aimed at cultivating science temprament and attitude among the people particularly the children.

Know Why, How and What?

We observe a number of events happening around us.  Doyou know the reasons why do  such things happen? Here are such events and their reasons.....such events and their reasons.....

Learning Through Testing

Science is a study of nature around us. Learning Science is a part of life. But ordinarly we are not aware of it. You can test how much science you know and also learn while testing.....

Science for Curious Mind

First step for cognitive learning is curiousity. Unsatisfied curiousity leads to frustration. There are many questions which children ask very frequently and do'nt get answers.....

Do You Know
The longest cells in the human body are the motor neurons. They can be up to 1.37 meters long and run from the lower spinal cord to the big toe.

the Day
The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence. Science is simply common sense at its best - that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.
Thomas Huxley
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