Learning Resources

Fun with Science Games and Puzzles

Games and puzzles are liked by all the children. Fun science games and puzzles are very effective tools for mental exercise and also help children to understand the concepts of science better. In order to make learning of science joyful, there are range of online games and puzzles on reasoning and science related topics. You can try these online activities of your interest free, for testing your logical thinking, reasoning skills and understanding of the science behind the game and puzzles in no time. Have fun learning with these online science games and puzzles.

Play Bloxorz Game

Play Bloxorz is a very interesting online game! Get the block to fall into the square hole at the end of each level. Great challenging puzzle game that will get you thinking for a while!

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 Vigyan Apke Liye  

Vigyan Aapke Liye (Science For You)  is a popular science magzine in Hindi. It is aimed at cultivating science temprament and attitude among the people particularly the children.

Know Why, How and What?

We observe a number of events happening around us.  Doyou know the reasons why do  such things happen? Here are such events and their reasons.....such events and their reasons.....

Learning Through Testing

Science is a study of nature around us. Learning Science is a part of life. But ordinarly we are not aware of it. You can test how much science you know and also learn while testing.....

Science for Curious Mind

First step for cognitive learning is curiousity. Unsatisfied curiousity leads to frustration. There are many questions which children ask very frequently and do'nt get answers.....

Do You Know
A total lunar eclipse took place on June 15, 2011 which was longest and darkest lunar eclipse of the century. The total phase of the eclipse lasted 100 minutes. The last eclipse to exceed this duration was in July, 2000. The next such eclipse will only take place in 2141

the Day
The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence. Science is simply common sense at its best - that is, rigidly accurate in observation, and merciless to fallacy in logic.
Thomas Huxley
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